Pharmacopeial Standardization of Mahasudarshan Churna: A Polyherbal Formulation
Shivani Chauhan, Vikrant Pundir, Ashish Kr Sharma
Standardization of herbal formulation is essential in order to assess the quality of drugs for therapeuticrnvalue. Mahasudarshan churna, an ayurvedic formulation currently used as diaphoretic and anti-malarial. Itrnis also useful in dyspepsia and loss of appetite. It was standardized in order to assess the quality of drugs,rnbased on the concentration of their active principles according to world health organization guidelines.rnThe various parameters performed included organoleptic characteristics and physicochemical. The setrnparameters were found to be sufficient to standardize the Mahasudarshan churna and can be used asrnreference standards for the quality control/ quality assurance study mostly on plant drugs for their primaryrnhealth care needs. The results obtained may be considered as tools for assistance to the regulatoryrnauthorities, scientific organization and manufacturers for developing standard formulation of greatrnefficacy