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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
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P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862

2013, Vol. 1, Issue 3, Part A

Treatment of Two Cases of Tinea capitis by Euphorbiarnparalias Matrix (Case Study)

Mohamed Ayad Berfad, Tarig M. S. Alnour, Fathi Abdallah Shakurfow (Libya)

Tinea capitis is a fungal infection of the head which is characterized by hair loss and may leads to alopecia. Twornmale patients with Tinea capitis were treated in vivo successfully by using the matrix of the plant species Euphorbiarnparalias by applying the matrix either once a day for 7 days (patient 1) or twice a day for one month (patient 2).rnComplete recovery with hair repaired was observed after two months and one month for the patients 1 and 2rnrespectively. From this study we concluded that Euphorbia paralias matrix has potent antifungal activity that isrncapable of curing Dermatophytic infection in vivo. The appropriate way of treatment is by applying the matrix twicerna day for at least a month.
A. Before treatment. B. Ten days after starting the treatment. C. One month after starting the treatment.
Fig.: A. Before treatment. B. Ten days after starting the treatment. C. One month after starting the treatment.
Pages : 87-90 | 2483 Views | 189 Downloads

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
How to cite this article:
Mohamed Ayad Berfad, Tarig M. S. Alnour, Fathi Abdallah Shakurfow (Libya). Treatment of Two Cases of Tinea capitis by Euphorbiarnparalias Matrix (Case Study). J Med Plants Stud 2013;1(3):87-90.
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