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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
  • Printed Journal
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  • Refereed Journal
  • Peer Reviewed Journal

P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862

2013, Vol. 1, Issue 3, Part B

Ethno-botanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used by Tribals of Bankura Districts, West Bengal, India

Arijit Sinhababu*, Arpita Banerjee (India)

Ethno-medicine means the medical practices for the treatment of ethnic or aborigine people for their health carernneeds. Indigenous traditional Knowledge is an integral part of the culture and history of a local community. It isrnevolved through years of regular experimentation on the day to day life and available resources surrounded by therncommunity. The present paper documented 43 ethno-medicinal plants of Bankura district, West Bengal, Indiarnbelonging to 24 families were used by the local health healers for the treatment of different diseases. Thernconventional ethno medicinal plants were mostly used for different inflammation, cough and cold, leucoderma,rndifferent skin diseases, ulcers and leprosy. The medicinal plants used by the traditional users of Bankura district arernarranged alphabetically followed by botanical name, family, local name and medicinal uses.
Pages : 98-104 | 2216 Views | 302 Downloads

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
How to cite this article:
Arijit Sinhababu*, Arpita Banerjee (India). Ethno-botanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used by Tribals of Bankura Districts, West Bengal, India. J Med Plants Stud 2013;1(3):98-104.
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