Ethno-medico-botanical studies on cucurbits of Rajshahi division, Bangladesh
A H M Mahbubur Rahman*
Use of medicinal plants for primary health care by the tribal people of the Rajshahi division, Bangladesh wasrnrecorded. In the present ethno-medico-botanical survey, a total of 24 species belonging to 13 genera of the familyrnCucurbitaceae were collected and recorded for their use in various ailments. Among the medicinal species,rnDiplocyclos palmatus (L.) Jeffrey, Gymnopetalum cochinchinense (Lour.) Kurj., Melothria maderaspatana (L.)rnCogn., Thladiantha cordifolia (BL.) Cogn. have been reported as new medicinal species from Bangladesh. For eachrnspecies botanical name, family name, local name, pick period, chromosome number, ailments to be treated, mode ofrntreatment and part(s) used are provided.