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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
  • Printed Journal
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P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862

2013, Vol. 1, Issue 3, Part B

Toxicology, Phytochemistry, Bioactive compounds and Pharmacology of Parthenium hysterophorus

Dipankar Chandra Roy, Md. Munan Shaik*

Parthenium hysterophorus, members of the Asteraceae family is a noxious weed in America, Asia, Africa andrnAustralia. This weed is considered to be a cause of a spectrum of clinical patterns: allergic respiratory problems,rncontact dermatitis, mutagenicity in human and livestock. Its allelophathic nature can drastically reduced the croprnproduction and aggressive dominance of this weed threatens biodiversity. Attempts to control spread of the plantrnhave so far not been successful. On the other hand, P. hysterophorus confers many health benefits, viz remedy forrnskin inflammation, rheumatic pain, diarrhoea, urinary tract infections, dysentery, malaria, psoriasis, allergies,rnasthma, tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, neuralgia. This plant traditionally used for the treatment of fevers,rnmigraine headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, stomachaches, toothaches, insect bites, infertility, and problems withrnmenstruation and labor during childbirth. The plant contains a large number of important bioactive compounds,rnmainly sesquiterpene lactones, flavonoid glycosides and pinenes. It has multiple pharmacologic properties, such asrnanticancer, anti-inflammatory, cardiotonic, antispasmodic, an emmenagogue, and as an enema for worms. The aimrnof this review article is to explore the toxicological reports of P. hysterophorus, summarized the active compoundsrnresponsible for different pharmacological properties, the effective control measures that can be implemented as wellrnas to unravel the latent beneficial prospects of this weed.
Pages : 126-141 | 2420 Views | 365 Downloads

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
How to cite this article:
Dipankar Chandra Roy, Md. Munan Shaik*. Toxicology, Phytochemistry, Bioactive compounds and Pharmacology of Parthenium hysterophorus. J Med Plants Stud 2013;1(3):126-141.
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