Protease Activity of Floral Extracts of Jasminumrngrandiflorum L., a Wound Healing Herb
A. Vidyalakshmi, S. Esaki Selvi
Flowers of Jasminum grandiflorum, are used in traditional medicine for rapid wound healing. Protease, a potentialrncandidate in wound healing is not so for studied in J. grandiflorum flowers. So an attempt was made to determinernthe protease activity of floral extracts of J. grandiflorum. Buffers of different pH range were used for extraction ofrnthe flowers to identify the best buffer for extraction of protease. Total protein content and protease activity wererndetermined in the floral extracts as well as in different organs of the flower. Floral extract showed higher proteasernactivity when the extraction was carried out at pH 4.0 and among the floral organs tested; protease activity wasrnmaximum in stamens. The results of the present study indicate that protease activity of the flower may bernresponsible for wound healing property of the flowers of J. grandiflorum.
A. Vidyalakshmi, S. Esaki Selvi. Protease Activity of Floral Extracts of Jasminumrngrandiflorum L., a Wound Healing Herb. J Med Plants Stud 2013;1(4):11-15.