Plant Remedies Practiced by Keffi People in the Management of Dermatosis
Alqasim Abdullahi Mustapha*, Gabriel Owuna, Is-Haq Ishaq Uthman
Hausa/Fulanis are major tribes of Keffi. Ethnics of this area are accustomed with local herbs and hold a flamboyantrnknowledge base with reference to the use of the herbal plants to treat various diseases. An ethnobotanicalrninvestigation among the Hausa/Fulani’s resulted in the discovery of the medicinal plants that are used by them in thernmanagement of dermatosis. The Medicinal plants reported in this research are based on interview and interactionrnwith herbalist, healers, spiritualist, hunters and farmers. A total of 37 medicinal plant species distributed in 18rnfamilies used by Hausa/Fulani alleviate/cure as many as 72 different types of skin diseases. The habit in terms ofrnnumbers and percentages includes; 2 (5.4%) bulbs; 9 (24.3%) herbs; 9 (24.3%) shrubs; and 17 (45.9%) treesrnseparately. In terms of proportion in one- hundredths distribution of plant parts used, the percentages are as follows,rnBark – 11 (29.7%); Leaves – 21 (56.8%); Root – 4 (10.8%); Seed – 1 (2.7%); Whole plant – 2 (5.4%). The highlyrncommon method used for administering medicine is Extract (40.5%) followed by paste (37.8%) and decoctionsrn(21.6%). The survey was done to document medicinal plants in the management of dermatosis in Keffi and alsornassists Phytochemists, Pharmachemists and Pharmacologists in developing new drugs from their result and outcome.rnResults of the present study is organized in table form representing the scientific name, family, local name, habit andrnfrequency of citation with a short comment on plant parts used and method of application
Alqasim Abdullahi Mustapha*, Gabriel Owuna, Is-Haq Ishaq Uthman. Plant Remedies Practiced by Keffi People in the Management of Dermatosis. J Med Plants Stud 2013;1(5):112-118.