Ethno-Medicinal Uses of Selected Indigenous Fruit Trees from the Lake Victoria Basin Districts in Uganda
J.B.L Okullo, F. Omujal, C. Bigirimana, P. Isubikalu, M. Malinga, E. Bizuru, A. Namutebi, B.B. Obaa, J.G. Agea
Assessment of ethnomedicinal uses of indigenous fruit trees (IFTs) was carried out using both household surveys and focus group discussions (FGD) in the five Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) districts of Uganda. A total of 400 respondents were interviewed on the availability of IFTs in their locality, their medicinal uses, parts used as medicine and methods of preparation. Frequencies of responses, Informant Consent Factor (ICF), Fidelity Level (FL) and User Value (UV) were analysed. The predominant methods for preparing/administering medicine from IFTs were decoction (47%), eating fruit pulp (33%), chewing (5%), smoking (3%) and application as ointment (1%) among others. The highest ICF of health conditions claimed to be treated using IFTs were bone pain (ICF=0.833) and loss of appetite (ICF=0.833).The most cited IFT for medicinal uses wasSaba comorensis (UV=0.39) and the least was Carissa edulis. Evaluation of bioactive components of these IFTs would help justify their apparent therapeutic claims.
Fig.: Sampled Lake Victoria Basin districts in Uganda
J.B.L Okullo, F. Omujal, C. Bigirimana, P. Isubikalu, M. Malinga, E. Bizuru, A. Namutebi, B.B. Obaa, J.G. Agea. Ethno-Medicinal Uses of Selected Indigenous Fruit Trees from the Lake Victoria Basin Districts in Uganda. J Med Plants Stud 2014;2(1):78-88.