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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
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P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862

2014, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part A

Anti-Inflammatory activity of sapindus laurifolius leaf extract in wistar rats

C.N. Santhosh Kumar, Ambika Das, Arun Raj GR

Objectives: The present work was aimed to study the anti-inflammatory activity of Sapindus laurifolius leaf extract in a systematic way using Wistar albino rats as a model animal. Methods and Material: To evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic leaf extract of S. laurifolius,inflammation was induced by injecting formalin into the right hind paw of the rats. Paw volume was measured in term of water displacement periodically after formalin injection using a plethysmometer. The difference in the paw volumes indicated the degree of inflammation. Analgesic activity was tested in rats using the hot plate method, the time (sec) of discomfort reaction (licking hind paws or jumping) was taken to identify the analgesic activity. Results: There was a significant reduction in paw volume in a dose dependant manner, significant increase in the analgesic effect in comparison to the control group. The maximum analgesic effect of leaf extract was observed at the dose of 400 mg/kg at 120 min, which showed a reaction time of 11.54±0.28seconds compared to the reference drug diclofenacwithreaction time 13.29±0.13 seconds. Conclusion: The methanolic extract showed significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect comparative to the standard drug diclofenac. Further studies are required to extract the particular active constituents responsible for the action
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Pages : 01-05 | 2154 Views | 281 Downloads

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
How to cite this article:
C.N. Santhosh Kumar, Ambika Das, Arun Raj GR. Anti-Inflammatory activity of sapindus laurifolius leaf extract in wistar rats. J Med Plants Stud 2014;2(1):01-05.
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