Effect of aqueous extract of Loranthus micranthus (mistletoe) on total protein, catalase and NOS activity in the kidney of albino rats induced with Pb acetate
Imade F, Imade M, Oyewole B
The effect of aqueous extract of Loranthusmicranthus on the kidney of albino rat induced with Lead acetate on catalase activity, nitric oxide scavenging (NOS) activity and total protein was investigated. 30 albino rats were used and they were divided into 6 groups. 200 mg/kg of lead acetate was injected intraperitoneally into the rats to intoxify and the extract was administered orally as a therapeutic agent. Group1(Negative control) received a normal rat feed, while group 2 to 5 were intoxified and given 500 m/kg,100 mg/kg,1500 mg/kg, 2000 mg/kg of extract respectively and group 6 serves as the positive control (without treatment). Duration of the experiment lasted for 3 weeks. Results indicate that at low concentration, extract significantly ameliorates total protein, nitric oxide radical scavenging activity (RSA), catalase activity (p<0.05). 500 mg/kg of mistletoe extract significantly ameliorated the altered level of total protein, catalase activity and nitric oxide RSA status in group 2 when compared to group 6. The extract possessed antioxidant activity as seen from the ameliorating effect on oxidative stress in intoxicated rat. Therefore, it can be deduced that mistletoe extract has the potential of ameliorating the altered protein synthesis and antioxidant activity in a dose dependent manner.
Imade F, Imade M, Oyewole B. Effect of aqueous extract of Loranthus micranthus (mistletoe) on total protein, catalase and NOS activity in the kidney of albino rats induced with Pb acetate. J Med Plants Stud 2014;2(3):72-79.