Qualitative screening of phytoconstituents of Pleurotus sajor caju (Fries sing) and comparison between hot and cold – aqueous and silver nanoparticles extracts
M Renuga Devi, S Krishnakumari
The objective of the study is to screen the phytochemicals which are the dependable sources for the treatment of different health problems. The present study aims to investigate the preliminary phytochemical screening using four different extracts of the mushroom Pleurotus sajor caju (Fries) Sing. Belonging to the family polyporaceae. Both cold and hot aqueous and silver nanoparticles extracts were subjected to qualitative phytochemical screening and is known to contain certain bioactive compounds such as cucurbitacin, triterpenes, sterols and alkaloids, vitamins, minerals and has also proved to contain antioxidant and therapeutic properties. The generated data has provided the basis for its wide uses as therapeutics both in traditional and folk medicine. The results obtained in the present study indicate P. sajor caju mushroom shows the high percentage of potential to act as a source of useful drug because of the presence of various bioactive compounds.
M Renuga Devi, S Krishnakumari. Qualitative screening of phytoconstituents of Pleurotus sajor caju (Fries sing) and comparison between hot and cold – aqueous and silver nanoparticles extracts. J Med Plants Stud 2015;3(5):172-176.