Fig.: In vitro Shoot formation from nodal culture and amylase activity of fruit extract and fresh callus of Momordica dioica (A-Whole plant;BFlower; C-Fruit;D-Nodal Explants; E-Inoculation of nodal explants; F-After 10 days;G-Nodal with callus; H-Shoot and callus; I-Shoot elongation with callus; J- Shoot multiplication; Amylase activity (K- Control; L- Fruit extract; M-Fresh callus)
How to cite this article:
Mehul G Patel, Kalpesh B Ishnava. Momordica dioica Roxb. (Spine Gourd): Multiple shoot induction from nodal cultures and its antidiabetic activity. J Med Plants Stud 2015;3(6):82-88.