Study on multiplication of Plumbago zeylanica L. using stem cutting in herbal garden
DK Patel
This plant is valuable for its medicinal purpose and also for ornamental purpose. The plant showing its capability for regeneration following their seeds as well as by the potential application of its mature stem cuttings. Selected stem cuttings were grown in prepared fields and in poly bags (including equally by soil, sand and manure) also. Stem cutting from mother plant was made by selections of the older ones and oblique cut on stem made. For this purpose around 10 – 15 cm long stem cuttings were used for the same purpose. These cutting parts of the stem were further applied for its regeneration in prepared beds and poly bags in large scale to its propagation, protection and for dissemination in different needed sites. Development of new individuals of this plant in each one of the poly bags were monitored and as per need of the plants facilities were provided to support their successful growth and development. Finding for the same was discussed further more in this paper.rn