Traditional use of plants by the Ahoms in human health management in upper Assam, India
Bhenila Bailung, Munmi Puzari
The present survey was carried out to document the ethno medicinal practices prevalent among the Ahom community of upper Assam, India. Survey was conducted in fifteen villages of three districts and data collected through observation and personal interaction. A total of 68 plant species were recorded. The recorded species were found to be commonly available and used for the treatment of various problems like cough, fever, headache, body pain, animal bite, heart problem, etc. Different parts of the plants like seed, leaf, bark, root, etc were found to be used in the form of medicine. Most of the medicines were prepared in mixture with other plants or non-plant products. The present investigation revealed the rich ethno medicinal knowledge of the Ahom community of upper Assam. The study focusses on the ethnomedicinal practices of the people, potential of ethnomedicinal research and the need for conservation and documentation of the traditional knowledge for the benefit of mankind.
Bhenila Bailung, Munmi Puzari. Traditional use of plants by the Ahoms in human health management in upper Assam, India. J Med Plants Stud 2016;4(2):48-51.