The distrcts Purulia and Bankura are inhabited by a good number of aboriginals. Amongst them Santal tribal people are quite preponderant. The Santal Medicine men or women are very expert in treating the people with the medicines prepared from the plant part and other ingredients (common called talans) available in the hilly regions of these districts. They have a good knowledge for preparing the medicines for abortive purposes also A thorough search was conducted to investigate the plant based medicines used by the medicine men/women within the Santal tribal people of the districts Purulia and Bankura, West Bengal, INDIA. The results of this investigation clearly point out that very few medicine men are involved in this type of treatment in the same topographical region. Although limited number of medicine men are efficient in abortifacient activity but the results show some diversification in the pattern of using the pant parts
Amares Maiti, Subhra Basak, Suman Ghosh, Samita Manna**, Chanchal Kumar Manna*. Diversity in the Use of Ethno Medicines by the Medicine Men/Women of the Districts Purulia and Bankura, W.B., India, for Abortifacient Purpose. J Med Plants Stud 2016;4(3):115-118.