Medicinal plants in the selected sacred groves of Kodungallur, Thrissur district, Kerala
Deepa MR, Sheema Dharmapal and Udayan PS
Sacred groves are virgin forests and acts as site for in situ conservation of bio-resources and shows near-climax vegetation of trees and associate groups of organisms, managed as a part of local cultural tradition. The study was conducted in the selected sacred groves of Kodungallur Taluk in Thrissur district, Kerala. The present study revealed a total of 89 taxa belonging to 83 genera and 43 families of flowering plants. Leguminosae is the dominant family followed by Asteraceae. These groves contain trees, shrubs, herbs and climbers representing Vulnerable and Endemic species. In these plants 98.88% plants are medicinal and used in different systems of medicines. Native medicinal plants are available in undisturbed areas like groves. Medicinal plant species are present inside the groves and used in the treatment of various diseases in Ayurveda, Folk, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy and Traditional systems for common ailments like cough, ulcers, bronchitis, skin diseases, etc.
Deepa MR, Sheema Dharmapal, Udayan PS. Medicinal plants in the selected sacred groves of Kodungallur, Thrissur district, Kerala. J Med Plants Stud 2016;4(3):149-155.