The use of Tilia cordata Mill. as bioindicator for the evaluation of the ecological state of Kyiv urbanized areas (Ukraine)
Vitaliy B. Nebesnyi, Ðnna Ð. Grodzinskaya, Ðnna Yu. Gonchar, Sergiy M. Konyakin, and Кonstantin Yu. Schur
For rapid assessment of the state of urban ecosystem was used a remote sensing spectrophotometric method. The method is based on the measurement of the spectral reflection characteristics of leaves of bioindicator species Tilia cordata Mill. According to the results of measurements an index of stress (reverse vegetation index) was calculated, as the most informative measure of the degree of suppression of photosynthesis and indirectly determines the level of anthropogenic contamination of the territory. In terms of the stress index with the use of cluster analysis performed grouping of 36 localities of the 10 administrative districts of Kyiv (the capital of Ukraine). A clear trend of growth of the index of stress values on a gradient of increasing the intensity of traffic flows was defined. This method is recommended for ecological monitoring of environmental quality, and rapid assessment of changes in urban ecosystems.
Vitaliy B. Nebesnyi, Ðnna Ð. Grodzinskaya, Ðnna Yu. Gonchar, Sergiy M. Konyakin,, Кonstantin Yu. Schur. The use of Tilia cordata Mill. as bioindicator for the evaluation of the ecological state of Kyiv urbanized areas (Ukraine). J Med Plants Stud 2016;4(3):277-282.