Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of leaf extract of Martynia annua, L. and Premna latifolia, Roxb.
K Kalaichelvi, SM Dhivya
Objective: To evaluate phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of aqueous, ethanol, acetone and petroleum ether extract of leaves of Martynia annua. and Premna latifolia. Methods:The qualitative phytochemical screenings were carried out by standard biochemical assays. The antimicrobial activity of the plant was determined by agar well diffusion method carried out by microdilution techniques against two gram negative human pathogenic bacteria. Result:The preliminary phytochemical analysis of Martynia annua and Premna latifolia leaves indicated the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, phytosterols, glycosides, phenolic compounds and tannin in all the solvents except aqueous extract whereas amino acids was absent in all the solvent. Out of the four extracts evaluated the ethanolic leaf extract of both the study plants showed promising activity against four pathogenic bacteria with maximum zone of inhibition (30mm).The acetone and petroleum ether were found to be less effective and showed moderate zone of inhibition against all the tested microorganisms The poor response was obtained with aqueous extract which showed less activity against all the tested microorganisms. Conclusion: The leaves of Martynia annua. And Premna latifolia might represent a new phytoconstituents and antimicrobial source with stable, biologically active components that can establish a scientific base for modern medicine
K Kalaichelvi, SM Dhivya. Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of leaf extract of Martynia annua, L. and Premna latifolia, Roxb.. J Med Plants Stud 2016;4(4):84-87.