New minor phytoecdysteroids from the juice of Serratula coronata L. (Asteraceae)
Ilgiz V Galyautdinov, Zarema R Sadretdinova, Zabir S Muslimov, Vladimir F Gareev, Leonard M Khalilov and Victor N Odinokov
Minor phytoecdysteroids - ajugasterone С 2-, 3-, and 11-acetates and calonysterone were isolated for the first time from the Serratula coronata plant. Out of these, ajugasterone 11-acetate is new ecdysteroid.
Ilgiz V Galyautdinov, Zarema R Sadretdinova, Zabir S Muslimov, Vladimir F Gareev, Leonard M Khalilov, Victor N Odinokov. New minor phytoecdysteroids from the juice of Serratula coronata L. (Asteraceae). J Med Plants Stud 2016;4(5):30-34.