Comparative assessment of fluoride tolerance in two genotypes of Zea mays
Arisha Mutahir, Monika Bisht and Dr. Mamta Baunthiyal
The present study compares fluoride tolerance of two genotypes of Zea mays (maize) viz. Kanchan-25 and PHM-1 under fluoride stress. The basis of differential fluoride tolerance in maize genotypes was characterized by analyzing fluoride accumulation pattern, growth ratio and three common antioxidative responses viz., catalase, peroxidase, and glutathione peroxidase enzyme activity. Prolonged fluoride exposure influences various enzymatic activities and affects the overall metabolic processes in plants. Levels of fluoride were found higher in plants of Kanchan-25 (114 μg/g) as compared to PHM-1 (97 μg/g). Two enzymes; catalase and glutathione peroxidase decreased with increasing fluoride stress whereas peroxidase activity increased. This change was more prominently observed in Kanchan-25 variety. Hence Kanchan-25 variety is more sensitive to fluoride stress and should not be grown in fluoride contaminated regions by farmers.
Arisha Mutahir, Monika Bisht, Dr. Mamta Baunthiyal. Comparative assessment of fluoride tolerance in two genotypes of Zea mays. J Med Plants Stud 2016;4(5):253-258.