Biological control of Sclerotium rolfsii through the leaf extract of Melia azedarach L. and Syzigium cumini
Sidra Saeed, Beenish Zia Butt, Nighat Sana and Arshad Javaid
Background of study: Sclerotium rolfsii is a destructive plant pathogen causes diseases in plants and many economical important crops. This is a soil born plant pathogen therefore its control using commercial fungicides is not a significant method as these fungicides are non biodegradable and comparatively expensive. Use of plants and their products to manage microbial growth especially fungus has been found effective and safe due to naturally occurring potent plant metabolites. Syzygium cumini and Melia azedarach are two important therapeutic plants that possess a wide range of biological properties.
Methodology: The present study was carried out to manage this fungal pathogen using the two medicinal plant extracts. Methanolic leaf extracts of Syzigium cumini and Melia azedarach were used to control the fungal growth of S. rolfsii. In vitro antifungal bioassay against S. rolfsii was conducted using different concentrations (0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5%) of plant extracts using malt extract broth as culture media.
Results: Results of the present study were found to be significant in reducing the fungal growth. Different concentrations of leaf extracts of S. cumini and M. azedarach reduced fungal biomass up to 97% and 86% respectively over the control. The high concentrations (4, 5%) of the S. cumini leaf extract showed great decrease in fungal biomass production. Similarly, high concentrations of M. azedarach found to be effective against the fungal growth than the control. Conclusion: This study concludes that Sclerotium rolfsii can be efficiently managed using methanolic leaf extracts of medicinal plants hence it is significant biological method to control S. rolfsii.
Sidra Saeed, Beenish Zia Butt, Nighat Sana, Arshad Javaid. Biological control of Sclerotium rolfsii through the leaf extract of Melia azedarach L. and Syzigium cumini. J Med Plants Stud 2016;4(5):259-261.