Phytochemical studies on Lycium schweinfurthii var. schweinfurthii (Solanaceae) and Isolation of five Flavonoids from leaves
Emad A Ewais, Mohamed M Abd El-Maboud, Mohammed H Elhaw and Muhammad I Haggag
Preliminary phytochemical screening in different parts (root, stem, leaves and flowers) of Lycium schweinfurthii var. schweinfurthii revealed the presence of alkaloids, saponines, glycosides, resins, cardiac glycosides, phenol, sterols, tannins, flavonoids and amino acids. The percentage of total (flavonoids, tannins, saponins and alkaloids) increased in plant leaves than other part. The investigation of phenolic compounds in L. schweinfurthii var. schweinfurthii leaves by different chromatographic methods of separation showed the presence of quercetin, kaempferol, gallic acid, ferulic acid, and apigenin. The structures of these flavonoids were characterized on the basis of their, UV, NMR and MS spectroscopic data.
Emad A Ewais, Mohamed M Abd El-Maboud, Mohammed H Elhaw, Muhammad I Haggag. Phytochemical studies on Lycium schweinfurthii var. schweinfurthii (Solanaceae) and Isolation of five Flavonoids from leaves. J Med Plants Stud 2016;4(6):288-300.