Cancer is one of the most dreaded disease of 20th century globally. Adaptation of western life style, excessive sun and UV exposure, radiation exposure, other carcinogens, alcohol, beverages, fast food, cold drinks, tobacco, smoking are chief causes of this life threatening disease. Gastrointestinal cancer is a term used for group of cancer that affects the digestive system. This includes cancer of esophagus, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, stomach, small intestine, anus etc. Usually stomach cancer is considered as gastrointestinal cancer.
Two well-known classics Charaka and Sushruta samhita describe cancer as inflammatory or non-inflammatory swelling and term them as Granthi (minor neoplasm) and Arbuda (major Neoplasm). In Ayurveda there are many medicinal herbs which has significant result in treating cancer. Some of them are Tulsi, sahadevi, Bhunimb, haldi, green tea etc. Phytochemical study and chemical composition of these herbs proves anti cancerous property of them.