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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
  • Printed Journal
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P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862

2017, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part E

Use of indigenous medicinal plants by tribal women for treatment of digestive disorder

Holmukhe SS and Antwal PN

Nanded district of Maharashtra state has the major forest area in the district is in Kinwat taluka (i.e.) about 57,800 hectares. This taluka is also a part of area popularly known as Gondwan. Approximately more than three out of every ten persons in taluka are tribals (32 per cent). Among tribals, Rajgond (47 per cent), Andh (36 per cent), Pardhan (9 per cent) and Bhil (5 per cent) are the main tribals. The tribal area is spread over 1146 square kilometers (Census, 1991). Most of the tribal women working in the farming activities and they take care of health of all family members. They are most of the time used medicinal plants and parts to cure health problems. From kinwat taluka six villages were selected and twenty villagers from each village were randomly selected for the study. Thus, from each village 20 respondents making the total sample size 120 were selected. For this study statistical tools were used as frequency, percentage, correlational analysis, multiple regressions. To collect data regarding use of indigenous medicinal plants for digestive disorder by them interview schedule was prepared with help of information regarding diseases name, plant name, medicinal plants used in the form of seed, root stem, bark, leaves, flowers, rhizome, bulb. Plants are one of the most important sources of medicine. The application of plants as medicines dates back to prehistoric period.
Pages : 326-330 | 1959 Views | 280 Downloads

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
How to cite this article:
Holmukhe SS, Antwal PN. Use of indigenous medicinal plants by tribal women for treatment of digestive disorder. J Med Plants Stud 2017;5(1):326-330.
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