Diversity of ethno-medicinal plant: A case study of Bageshwar district Uttarakhand
Naveen Chandra Pandey, Deepika Bhatt, Deepshikha Arya, Neha Chopra, Brij Mohan Upreti, G. C. Joshi and Lalit M. Tewari
The Indian Himalayan region has a wide range of traditionally used medicinal plants. The study was conducted with the help of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) technique to document the ethno-medicinal use of plants from Bageshwar district of Uttarakhand. The present study of Bageshwar district shows distribution and traditional uses of the 144 ethno-medicinal plants, comprises of 64 families (62- Angiosperms, 2-Gymnospermes), different habitats such as herbs (56%), shrubs (22%), tress (15%), climbers (7%), which were further classify according to plants parts used such as: leafs (29%), root (27%), bark (11%), whole plant (9%), rhizomes (5% ), fruits (5% ), tubers/bulb (4%), seeds (4%), flowers and inflorescences (3%), resin/latex/ oil (2%), heart wood (1%). It was found that 144 plant species were used by local people for curing 49 diseases such as cough, fever, jaundice, arthritis, asthma, cuts and wounds etc.
Naveen Chandra Pandey, Deepika Bhatt, Deepshikha Arya, Neha Chopra, Brij Mohan Upreti, G. C. Joshi, Lalit M. Tewari. Diversity of ethno-medicinal plant: A case study of Bageshwar district Uttarakhand. J Med Plants Stud 2017;5(2):11-24.