Vegetative propagation of two important Garcinia species of Assam, NE India
L Bhuyan, CL Sharma, B Singh and MB Sharma
Garcinia pedunculata and Garcinia morella are two multipurpose tree species of North East India. Different hormonal treatments were tested on the stem cuttings using non-mist poly propagator. In case of Garcinia pedunculata highest rooting percentage (80%) was recorded in the treatment IBA 2000 ppm, and in Garcinia morella stem cuttings treated with IBA 4000 ppm gave highest rooting percentage (40%). Juvenile stem cuttings were seemed to be suitable for vegetative propagation of the above two species.
L Bhuyan, CL Sharma, B Singh, MB Sharma. Vegetative propagation of two important Garcinia species of Assam, NE India. J Med Plants Stud 2017;5(3):273-277.