Bud chip method: A potential technology for sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) cultivation
Tiryak Kumar Samant
The study was carried out through front line demonstration during rabi season of 2013-14 to promot the Bud chip method of sugarcane cultivation in Angul district under mid central table land zone of Odisha. The demonstration results showed that the improved practice of bud chip method recorded 39.7 % higher cane yield (129.2 t ha-1), production efficiency (421.8 kg ha-1 day-1) and extension gap (36.7 t ha-1) than farmer’s practice of conventional method. The same also produced higher tillers plant-1 (17.3) and number of millable canes clump-1 (14.2) with survival 93.2%. The improved practice also recorded the higher gross return of Rs. 271320 ha-1, B:C ratio (3.86) and profitability (Rs. 609.6 ha-1 day-1) with additional net return of Rs.190080 ha-1 over local check of conventional method which can effectively be replaced in the existing farming situation for higher productivity and profitability.