Characteristics of clove leaf essential oil (Eugenia aromatica o.k) in various range of elevation
Arrijani, Kamaluddin and A Kapahang
Indonesia is an agricultural country which total area ​​485 304 hectares of clove plantations. Clove leaf is the result of the clove tree that has not been widely used by farmers as compared to flowers or stems of clove cigarettes is widely used for industrial and food. The objective of this research was to analyze characteristics of the leaf essential oil of clove on the elevation ranges from 100 to 800 m above sea level, with an increase in elevation range of 100 m above sea level. At the study site the rate of decrease in temperature of about 0.9 °C every additional height of 100 m above sea level. This research was conducted in the laboratory with the UNIMA IBIKK sampling in the Kapataran Village to villages around DAS Tondano of Minahasa, North Sulawesi. For analysis performed on components of the Lab. Organic Chemistry UGM. The results showed that the characteristics of the leaf essential oil of clove on a variety of different elevation ranges. At the elevation range of 100-200 m above sea level clove leaf essential oil obtained with a yield 2.8% and in the range of 701-800 m above sea level elevation obtained with clove leaf essential oil yield of 1.27%. based on elevation range of the highest oil yield obtained from the elevation of 301-400 m above sea level with essential oil yield as much as 3.08%. The content of eugenol in clove essential oil obtained at the highest elevation range of 301-400 m above sea level with a percentage of 68.37% as much as the content of eugenol, eugenol content in the range of 100-200 m above sea level elevation of as much as 63.38% and the lowest content of eugenol at 701-800 m above sea level with percentage content of eugenol as much as 59.56%.
Arrijani, Kamaluddin, A Kapahang. Characteristics of clove leaf essential oil (Eugenia aromatica o.k) in various range of elevation. J Med Plants Stud 2017;5(5):27-32.