Multivariate analysis for selection of elite parents in breeding programme in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)
Shafiqurrahaman Mohammad and Shailesh Marker
Genetic divergence was studied among 23 okra genotypes using Mahalanobis D2 analysis. Analysis of variances indicated significant differences among the genotypes and they were grouped into five clusters. The cluster I consist of seven genotypes, whereas cluster II contain two genotypes, cluster III contain nine genotypes, cluster IV consist of four genotypes and cluster V consist of single genotype respectively. Highest inter cluster distance observed between clusters II and cluster V, while cluster II shown maximum intra cluster distance. Character YVMV infestation on plants (38.74%) towards genetic divergence followed by number of seeds per fruit (22.13%). The mean value of different clusters, genotypes having high yield and attributing traits were observed in cluster V having a genotype namely 2012/OKYVRES-5. Cluster I shown lowest mean values for maximum characters.
Shafiqurrahaman Mohammad, Shailesh Marker. Multivariate analysis for selection of elite parents in breeding programme in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench). J Med Plants Stud 2017;5(5):36-38.