Medicinal plants have become important in our day to day life. Oral thrush or candidiasis is the most common problem which challenges oral health.To maintain oral health and hygiene our ancestors as well as the indigenous people used chew sticks and dried leaf powders. One of the important multipurpose medicinal plants is Phyllanthusreticulatus. Phytochemicals which are present in this plant make it an efficient medicinal plant. All parts of this plant are used as a remedial measure for many oral disorders which are ecofriendly and cheaper. When compared to toothbrushes, commercial tooth pastes and powders chew sticks and tooth powder made from P. reticulatus twigs and leaves have several advantages. The study area of the present study is the foot hills of Velliangiri Hills, part of Western Ghats in the Tamil Nadu State coming under Nilgiri Biosphere.