Phenol content and Antioxydant activity of crude extracts and fractions from Annona senegalensis
Kengni Yande H, Toghueo KRM, Hzounda Fokou JB, Adamou Souleymanou, Ngouana V and Fekam Boyom F
This study was designed to analyse the antioxidant potential and phenol content of ethanol extract and fractions from Annona senegalensis, a medicinal plant used worldwide against several oxidative stress mediated disorders. The antioxidant activities were determined by three methods namely DPPH radical scavenging assay, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and nitric oxide inhibition (NO). The antioxidant activities ranged from IC50 1.5 to 167.00μg/ml for DPPH, from 0.53->200μg/ml for nitric oxide and from 2.07->200μg/ml for ferric chelation power.Phytochemical screening of leaves ethanol extract demonstrated the presence of alkaloids, phenol, terpenoids, tannins, steroids, flavonoids and glucosideswhile the HPLC profile revealed the presence of phenolic acids (o/p-coumaric acid; syringic acid) and flavonoids (vanillic acid). Overall, the results of this investigation demonstrated that the extracts from Annona senegalensis are potential sources of antioxidant metabolites needed to manage stress mediated disorders.