Pharmacognostical characterization of Aavarai kudineer - A poly herbal preparation
Vidya Dharshini K, Mangalambigai V, Krishnaveni M, Muthurathinam S, Saravanan R and Meenakumari S
Calibration of drugs and medical preparations are essential parameter in scientific scenario and it helps to improve quality and efficacy of drugs. Aavarai Kudineer is a poly herbal Siddha drug and it has been highly prescribing for the condition of Madhumegam (Diabetes mellitus). There are number of formulations of Aavarai Kudineer documented in literature, whereas scientific studies has not been reported. The current study was design to analyze Aavarai Kudineer scientifically for develop a standardization to the formula. Precursor mixture (coarse powder) of Aavarai Kudineer and aqueous extract of Aavarai Kudineer were tested. Pharmacognostical analysis including preliminary phytochemical study was done. The findings of the study could be useful in diagnostic keys for identification and preparation of aqueous extract of Aavarai Kudineer.