Qualitative and quantitative variation in phyllospheremycoflora of Hamelia patens Jacq.
Satpute SB and Vanmare DJ
The Phyllosphere mycoflora of Hamelia patensJacq. was studied during the different seasons of the year 2015-16 from MIDC Shendra area, Aurangabad (MS). The mycoflora were isolated and pure cultures were maintained on Potato dextrose agar. Identification of mycoflora was done by morphological characters and microscopic observations. The phyllosphere mycoflora shows seasonal variation as well as qualitative and quantitative variation. In the present study, total of 21 fungal species were recorded by leaf wash and leaf print method. The average percent frequency of occurrence was found to be in case of Cladosporium fulvum (19.2% LW and 27.3% LP), which was followed by Gibberella avenacea (14.4% and 13.2%). Minimum percent frequency was experienced by Fusarium oxysporum (0.1% and 0.28%) by both methods. There was statistically significant variation in number of colonies among the fungal species. However the variation due to season was statistically significant (p=0.01) in leaf wash method, while non-significant in leaf print method. Higher number of colonies was recorded during rainy season whereas minimum number of colonies was observed in summer season. The average number of colonies was 36.98 by leaf wash and 39.91 by leaf print method.