Medicinal value of three common plants of Rajasthan, India: Review
Poornima Sharma and Dinesh Kumar Sharma
Herbal medicines are cost effective and without side effects thus gaining the escalating faith. The villagers and tribal are still exploring the plants for ethanomedicinal purposes. Various phytochemicals isolated from plants showed pharmacological potential used directly as drugs or provide base for synthesis of new drugs. This review summarizes phytochemical, ethanomedicinal and pharmacological value of Capparis decidua, Prosopis cineraria and Tecomella undulata. These plants are commonly found in the Rajasthan, India. Traditionally used as medicine in Ayurveda, Unani system of medicine and also as folkloric medicine. Different parts of the plants used for treating various ailments. These plants contain different types of alkaloids, terpenoids, phenols, phytosterols, flavonoids, tannin etc. The major objective of this review is to analyse the medicinal utility of these three common plants of Rajasthan.