Effect of IBA concentration and time of planting on rooting in pomegranate (Punica granatum) cuttings
SK Mehta, KK Singh and Atul Singh Harsana
The present study was conducted to Effect of IBA Concentration and Time of Planting on Rooting in Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Cuttings during the Winter season 2016-17.The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three replication. Treatments main factor (25th December, 10th January and 25th January) and three sub factors (500ppm, 1000ppm and control). Results of the investigation showed that highest number of sprouted cuttings (7.11), number of sprouts per cutting (4.00), number of leaves on new shoots (10.89), percentage of rooted cuttings (71.11%) was recorded under T3 (January 25th) planting time. In case of IBA concentration, highest number of sprouted cuttings (7.33), number of sprouts per cutting (4.66), length of longest sprout (7.28 cm), number of leaves on new shoots (10.66) and percentage of rooted cuttings (73.33%) was observed under C1 (500ppm IBA) treatment.
SK Mehta, KK Singh, Atul Singh Harsana. Effect of IBA concentration and time of planting on rooting in pomegranate (Punica granatum) cuttings. J Med Plants Stud 2018;6(1):250-253.