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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
  • Printed Journal
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  • Peer Reviewed Journal

P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862

2018, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Part A

Evaluation of a folk medicinal cure for stroke-induced paralysis and pain

Chowdhury Alfi Afroze, Taufiq Rahman, Rownak Jahan and Mohammed Rahmatullah

Pain and paralysis are two symptoms that can happen following a stroke leading to loss of movement, intense discomfort and loss of normal mode of living. These conditions can last from months to years and even till death whenever it may be. We describe here the formulation of a folk medicinal practitioner who treats stroke-induced pain and paralysis. Several patients who have undergone the treatment reported almost complete to complete recovery. Essentially the formulation consists of juice of leaves or fruits of Datura metel L. (Solanaceae) mixed with lime water and kerosene, which is topically applied several times daily on the paralyzed and painful areas. Cure was observed to be effected within a period of two to three months. A critical evaluation is conducted on the possible scientific efficacy of the formulation.
Pages : 17-19 | 1893 Views | 484 Downloads

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
How to cite this article:
Chowdhury Alfi Afroze, Taufiq Rahman, Rownak Jahan, Mohammed Rahmatullah. Evaluation of a folk medicinal cure for stroke-induced paralysis and pain. J Med Plants Stud 2018;6(2):17-19.
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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
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