Study of the antibacterial activity of bark extracts from Terminalia mantaly (Combretaceae) on the in vitro growth of eight (8) clinical enterobacteria strains
Therapeutic failures due to bacterial resistance to antibiotics are becoming more common and require other alternatives care. The aim of this study is to evaluate antibacterial activity of extracts of the bark of Terminaliamantaly on Enterobacteria. The determination of the MIC and MBC values of aqueous and hydroethanolic 70% extracts on 08 enterobacteria was made according to the double dilution method in a liquid medium. MIC and MBC values of the aqueous extract ranged from 3.125 mg/ml to 50 mg/ml while for hydroethanolic extract these values were ranged from 1.562 mg/ml to 25 mg/ml. All bacteria strains were sensitive to aqueous and hydroethanolic extracts in a dose-response relationship. Moreover, these extracts were bactericidal on all the strains tested.