Constraints faced by Ragi growers of Dang district
Tejal Patel, Mahaveer Choudhary, SS Sonavane and SA Aklade
Antimycotic Activity (Agar well diffusion technique) of ethanolic leaf extract of Argemone mexicana L. The research was carried out in Dang district of South Gujarat during 2017. From selected taluka, five villages were selected randomly. In order to identify constraints faced by Ragi growers, 100 respondents as a sample size for the study. The results observed that half of the farmers were in the old age group, most of the farmer’s had primary level education, had semi medium land holding, respectively. Major constraints faced by the Ragi growers are, soil erosion get rank first, sloppy undulating and unfertile land get rank second, higher cost of fertilizer get rank third in Ragi cultivation.