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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
  • Printed Journal
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  • Peer Reviewed Journal

P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862

2018, Vol. 6, Issue 6, Part A

Ethnobotany of forest plants used in traditional treatment of benorrhoea in Orile-Owu Osun state, Nigeria

Odewo SA and Adeyemo A

Benorrhoea disease is becoming a very serious problem among women that if proper treatment is not done to it, will eventually instigate infertility problem. In recent times, due to the economic recession, a lot of fake and adulterated drugs have been full our markets. Consequently, a large number of populace is being forced to accept the traditional Medicare. In this study, survey of medicinal plants for curing benorrhoea disease was conducted in Orile- Owu community, Osun State, Nigeria. Information about the disease and respective medicinal plants for curing them were gathered through the use of questionnaires (Oral interpretation) which were administered to experienced farmers, hunters and Herbalists were done. To confirm the efficacy and strength of these plants, phytochemical screening was conducted. However, 20 medicinal plants were identified for curing benorrhoea disease in which 17 species belong to different families (Pedaliaceae, Tiliaceae, Steculiaceae, Sapindaceae, Combretaceae, Asteraceae, Amaryllidaceae, Annonaceae, Meliaceae, Sapotaceae, Liliaceae, Hypoxidaceae, Santalaceae, Euphorbiaceae among others) while the remaining 3 species (Garcina Kola, Cola nitida and Waltheria indica) belong to steculiaceae family. The part of the plant used was leaves usually prepared in liquid form. It was observed that crude protein, moisture content, crude fibre, Ash and carbohydrate range from 14.57% to 29.37%; 14.40% to 58.09%, 4.54% to 29.05%, 6.65% to 22.08% and 2.04% to 43.60% respectively. This confirmed the high level of nutrients in the plants.
Pages : 25-29 | 2082 Views | 767 Downloads

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
How to cite this article:
Odewo SA, Adeyemo A. Ethnobotany of forest plants used in traditional treatment of benorrhoea in Orile-Owu Osun state, Nigeria. J Med Plants Stud 2018;6(6):25-29.
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