Seed-borne fungi adversely affect seed germination and seedling vigor and results in economic loss to farmers. In the present study, we screened the antifungal efficacy of 18 extracts from 12 plants against a Penicillium species. Isolation of Penicillium species from maize seeds was carried out by standard blotter method. Extraction of selected plants was carried out by maceration technique and antifungal activity was evaluated by poisoned food technique. The fungus exhibited varied susceptibility to extracts of selected plants. Out of 18 extracts, 15 extracts caused 50% and higher inhibition of test fungus. Among the selected plants, Lophopetalum wightianum and Argyreia cuneata showed marked antifungal activity. Highest and least antifungal activity was shown by leaf extract of L. wightianum (89.39%) and leaf extract of C. speciosus and fruit extract of S. zeylanica (36.39%), respectively.