Phytodiversity studies of Nambineri wetland of Gopalasamuthiram village, Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu
Lakshmanan R and Saravana Ganthi A
The present study was undertaken to investigate the Phytodiversity of Nambineri wetland of Gopalasamuthiram village, Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu. An extensive floristic survey was conducted during 2011 – 2014. In this floristic survey, 268 species of angiosperms belonging to 207 genera and 65 families were recorded and documented. Among which Dicotyledonae were represented by 51 families covering 209 species of 157 genera. Monocotyledonae were represented by 14 families covering 58 species of 50 genera. Dominant families were Poaceae with 28 species followed by Fabaceae (21), Euphorbiaceae (13), Acanthaceae (12), Compositae (11), Malvaceae and Solanaceae (10 each), Amaranthaceae, Rubiaceae and Verbenaceae (9 each), Caesalpiniaceae, Convolvulaceae and Scrophulariaceae (8 each), Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Lamiaceae and Mimosaceae (6 each). The dominating life form is herb with 156 species followed by shrub and tree 58 and 20 species respectively, while climbers with 34 species.
Lakshmanan R, Saravana Ganthi A. Phytodiversity studies of Nambineri wetland of Gopalasamuthiram village, Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu. J Med Plants Stud 2018;6(6):106-115.