Two female folk medicinal practitioners of Bangladesh and evaluation of their phytotherapeutic practices
Zahura Binte Haque, Nusrat Kamal, Mahbuba Sultana and Dr. Mohammed Rahmatullah
Although male folk medicinal practitioners (FMPs) are common, female FMPs are a comparative rarity in Bangladesh. The objective of this survey was to document the therapeutic uses of plants by two female FMPs in Pabna and Pirojpur districts of Bangladesh. The numbers of plants used by the FMPs were small. The Pabna FMP used a total of four plants, which were used for treatment of tonsillitis, dysentery, arthritis, and pain. The Pirojpur FMP used just one plant, which she used for treatment of cataract and night blindness. Arthritis cannot be cured with allopathic medicines; cataract needs costly surgery. Thus the plants may prove to be beneficial in the treatment of arthritis and possible removal of cataract without surgery.
Zahura Binte Haque, Nusrat Kamal, Mahbuba Sultana, Dr. Mohammed Rahmatullah. Two female folk medicinal practitioners of Bangladesh and evaluation of their phytotherapeutic practices. J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(1):100-102.