A study on albino rat for anticonvulsant properties of Cuminum cyminum: An experimental study
Akhtar Ali, Kamal Kishore Khichi, Anusuya Gehlot and Rajkumar Rathore
Aim: To evaluate the Anticonvulsant property of Cuminum cyminum in albino rats.
Methodology: This experimental study conducted on albino rats by MES method. Adult albino rats of either sex (100-150g) were divided into three groups for each parameter under study. Group I consisting of six animals, served as control and received distilled water. Group II subdivided into three groups II-A, II-B, II-C, consisting of six animals each, received Cuminum cyminum in three doses of 300mg, 750 mg, 1000mg per orally respectively. Group III subdivided into three groups III-A, III-B, III-C, consisting of six animals each, received the Phenytoin in three doses per orally.
Result: Cuminum cyminum decreased extension period. Although the extension period was not significant [P > 0.05] in 300 mg per kg dose, while the extension period was highly significant [P < 0.001] in higher doses (750, 1000mg per kg).
Conclusion: Cuminum cyminum is having Anticonvulsant property in the albino rat. However further study needed to find out its mechanism of actions and chemical constitutes responsible for these activities.
Akhtar Ali, Kamal Kishore Khichi, Anusuya Gehlot, Rajkumar Rathore. A study on albino rat for anticonvulsant properties of Cuminum cyminum: An experimental study. J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(1):103-105.