Effect of nutrients on yield and chemical characteristics of aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn) cv. chakiya
Goutam Jangid, Goutam Mandal and Usha Kumari
The present investigation entitled on Effect of nutrients on yield and chemical characteristics of aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn) cv. Chakiya was carried out at Department of Horticulture and Post-Harvest technology, Institute of Agriculture, Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan, West Bengal during the year 2016-17. The experiment was conducted over 27 trees which are Planted at spacing of 10m×10m having nine treatments consisting of various level of nutrients concentration [T1 – Borax @0.25%, T2– Borax @0.50%, T3 – ZnSO4 @0.40%, T4 – ZnSO4 @0.60%, T5 – Borax @0.25%+ ZnSO4 @0.40%, T6 – Borax @0.25%+ ZnSO4 @0.60%, T7 – Borax @0.50%+ ZnSO4 @0.40%, T8 – Borax @0.50% + ZnSO4 @0.60%, T9 – Control (water spray)] in RBD design with 3 replications. Foliar application of Borax (0.25% and 0.50%), ZnSO4 (0.40% and 0.60%) and their combination were sprayed during the flowering and pea stage of the fruits. Among different dose of nutrient treatments, T8- Borax @0.50%+ Zinc @0.60% were found significantly superior over other treatments with respect to fruit yield, acidity, ascorbic acid, total sugar, TSS and reducing sugar of the fruit.
Goutam Jangid, Goutam Mandal, Usha Kumari. Effect of nutrients on yield and chemical characteristics of aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn) cv. chakiya. J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(1):106-108.