Phytochemical screening, anti-oxidant and anti-microbial activity of leaf, stem and flower of Rangoon creeper: a comparative study
Alolika Dutta, Swagata Biswas, Maitrayee Biswas, Pranabesh Ghosh, Chandreyi Ghosh, Shaktijit Das and Sirshendu Chatterjee
Rangoon creeper, Quisqualis indica Linn. is an important shrub belonging from family Combretaceae. This plant is traditionally used for cell aging or other oxidative stress-related diseases. This study was done to quantify the polyphenols, flavonoids and to investigate the anti-oxidant and anti-microbial activity of aqueous and ethyl acetate crude and dry sample extracts of leaf, stem and flowers. The phytochemical quantitative assay was done by the Aluminium chloride, Folin-Ciocaltue Method and the anti-oxidant activity was measured by ABTS and H2O2 radical scavenging assay. To investigate the anti-microbial activity, disk diffusion method was used. The highest amount of total polyphenolic content was found in flower of crude (102.24±0.48 mg GAE/g of tissue) and dry (83.75±0.47 mg GAE/g of tissue) samples in ethyl acetate extracts. The highest amount of total flavonoids content was found in crude leaf (60.67±0.31 mg QE/g of tissue) and dry flower (54.27±0.20 mg QE/g of tissue) of ethyl acetate extract. The aqueous extracts of leaf and flower showed the higher anti-oxidant activity than the ethyl acetate extracts. The crude and dry samples of leaf and flower extracts showed maximum zone of inhibition for both the solvents rather than stem against Staphylococcus aureus as well as Escherichia coli. The results revealed that the leaves and flowers of Quisqualis indica contained more bioactive substances than stem, which may be responsible for high anti-oxidant properties. So, Rangoon creeper can be used to prevent various oxidative stress-related diseases.