Common grasses of Bijnor district used by bhoxa tribals in their primary health care system
Raj Kumar and Beena Kumari
Within the wide diversity of flowering plants ‘Grasses’ are the one which can be found anywhere with great abundance. Grasses are the members of Poaceae (Gramineae) family which are the most vital part in our life as food, medicine, cattle-fodder and many different things. The Bhoxa tribals of Kotwali and Najibabad blocks use different parts of grasses in crude form as cure for many diseases. This paper deals with 23 grass species used in fungal infection, fever, cough, haematuria, urinary diseases, intestinal worm, wounds, snakebite, gonorrhoea etc. Present study reveals five subfamilies with their species namely Bambusoideae (3), Pooideae (2), Arundinoideae (1), Chloridoideae (3) and Panicoideae (14).
Raj Kumar, Beena Kumari. Common grasses of Bijnor district used by bhoxa tribals in their primary health care system. J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(3):05-07.