Indian traditional trees and their scientific relevance
Amit Kumar Tiwari, Indra Jeet Chaudhary and Alok Kumar Pandey
India is a traditional country. If we see the history of Indian tradition, we find that trees were treated as God and Goddess in ancient Indian tradition. Ancient Harappa civilization gives us many evidences of tree prayer. We find the evidence of Aranyani who was a goddess of forests in ancient Hindu religion. Many hymns of Rigveda were dedicated to Aranyani. Other Indian religions like Buddhism and Jainism also showed their devotion towards trees. Buddhism believes on the concept of Varshavas. In this concept Buddhist monks used to stay on one place for three months. They believed that during rainy session many new plants and crops grow. If they would go out, these new small pants would throttle under their feet. The present review throws light on the culture of tree worship in India and its scientific relevance in present science era.
Amit Kumar Tiwari, Indra Jeet Chaudhary, Alok Kumar Pandey. Indian traditional trees and their scientific relevance. J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(3):29-32.