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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
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P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862

2019, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Part B

Evaluation of maize cowpea intercropping as fodder through front line demonstration

Kabita Mishra

A study was carried out through front line demonstration during Kharif season of 2015-16 to promote the Intercropping of maize+cowpea as fodder in 1:1 ratio in Ganjam District under East & South Eastern Coastal Plain Zone of Odisha. The KVK scientists has conducted frontline demonstration in maize+cowpea intercropping with the active participation of farmers with the objective to demonstrate the improved technologies in crop. From the front line demonstration, it was observed that the higher values of fresh forage yield was recorded in Intercropping of maize+cowpea in 1:1 ratio(504.5q/ha) where as in sole maize and sole cowpea it was 487.6 q/ha, 230.3 q/ha respectively. The total Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) is found to be 1.24 which is 24% of yield advantageous over sole crop. The maximum cost of cultivation was recorded in sole maize(Rs 42517/ha) while the lowest was recorded in sole cowpea(Rs18695/ ha).The highest net return was observed in intercropping of maize+cowpea (Rs 26117/ha) over sole maize(Rs 15965/ha) and sole cowpea(Rs 2032/ha).The B:C ratio was highest in intercropping of maize cowpea as fodder in 1: 1 row proportion of (1.83) over sole maize(1.37) and sole cowpea (1.10).
Pages : 82-85 | 1694 Views | 483 Downloads

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
How to cite this article:
Kabita Mishra. Evaluation of maize cowpea intercropping as fodder through front line demonstration. J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(3):82-85.
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