Review on medicinal plants used for the management of malaria in Amhara regional state, Ethiopia
Abayneh Kassahun, Minbale Gashua and Kassahun Mulat
Malaria has been known as deadly communicable disease for decades in Ethiopia. The Amhara Regional State accounts for 31% of malaria epidemics in the country. Traditional medicines have been used to treat malaria for thousands of years. About 90% of the Ethiopian populations are dependent on traditional medicines for the management of the diseases. Traditional medicinal plants used to treat malaria in Amhara Reginal State were collected from available literature. Data collected from the literature includes scientific and local names, habit of the plant, plant parts used, mode of preparation and rout of administration. A total of 34 articles that provide information about the use of medicinal plant species to treat malaria in the region were reviewed and about 48 medicinal plant species are reported. The important parts of plants used for the management of the disease are leaves (60.42%), roots (29.17%), shoots (10.42%) and seeds (8.33%). However, latex, bulb, stem bark and stem were also used. The plant preparations consisted mostly of solutions, mixture of powders, infusions, powdering, and chopping decoction and burning. To administer remedies in the treatment of malaria, oral drinking (95.83%) was the common route followed by dermal (4.17%).
Abayneh Kassahun, Minbale Gashua, Kassahun Mulat. Review on medicinal plants used for the management of malaria in Amhara regional state, Ethiopia. J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(4):28-33.