Studies on Ethno botanical plants used by tribal community of Nashik district, Maharashtra, India
Khairnar Shrikant Sanjayrao and Gadekar Vipul Sanjay
An ethno botanical survey on medicinal plants and their indigenous uses was carried out in Trimbakeshwar, Peth region of Nashik district in Maharashtra. These areas are floristically rich areas where plants of various categories are growing spontaneously in their natural habitat. The rural community of these regions uses some of the plants as medicine for the treatment of human ailments. In a floristic survey 92 ethno medicinal plants species belonging to 48 families were recorded from Nashik district. These medicinal plants are listed in alphabetically order of Latin names, local names along with family & part used as medicine.
Khairnar Shrikant Sanjayrao, Gadekar Vipul Sanjay. Studies on Ethno botanical plants used by tribal community of Nashik district, Maharashtra, India. J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(4):200-202.